Friday, August 17, 2012

Linux / Windows Differences (Linux PART 2)

File System Type.

  • Windows -   FAT32, NTFS
  • Linux   -   ext3, ext2

Installation Partitions

  • Windows needs only one partition
  • Linux needs three separate partitions for Installation.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

What is Linux? (Linux PART 1)

What is Linux ?

  • Linux is an Operating System 
  • Linux was created by Linus Torvalds when he was an undergraduate at the University of Helsinki, Finland in 1991.

Primary Advantages

  • FREE
  • Open Source – Source code of the Linux Operating System is freely available.

Common Linux Features

  • Multiuser
    You can create many user accounts on a Linux System and also have multiple users logged in and working on the system at the same time.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Difference between CSS & PHP

CSS & PHP both use for web development..

CSS - cascading style sheets are used for styling an (x)html web page
PHP - PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (or Personal Home Page as originally designated) is a server side processing language.

First of all let us see what is CSS?

  • CSS determined by Font size , font type, font color , font shape ,borders & styling around images , page layout, mouse – over effects and more ..
  • CSS manages & expresses how HTML elements are to be displayed.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Substituted Software for Ubuntu

This is a common problem for everyone. What are the good software for Ubuntu that can use easily .Most of the people haven't a good knowledge about Those Linux based software .
I give u a list of software .
First you must install Restricted extras package for install the codecs.

Difference between sandy bridge and ivy bridge processors

I think You know at least little about Sandy Bridge processor, but not Ivy Bridge.
Let me explain about the difference between this two kind of processors.
This is the simple graphical view of both processors..

So let we talk about it in point form...